
Windows XP Calendar from command line

Traditionally, there is a useful batch file to call the standard Windows XP calendar.

%windir%\system32\rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL timedate.cpl


Windows XP shortcut keys

Windows + D: Minimize or restore all windows
Windows + E: Display Windows Explorer
Windows + F: Display Search for files
Windows + Ctrl + F: Display Search for computer
Windows + F1: Display Help and Support Centre
Windows + R: Display Run dialog box
Windows + break: Display System Properties dialog box
Windows + shift + M: Undo minimize all windows
Windows + L: Lock the workstation
Windows + U: Open Utility Manager

Windows XP volume control from command line

If are bored to search the volume control icon in the tray or navigate through the control panel icons, use sndvol32.exe instead.

Display simple volume control (like via right button click):

%windir%\system32\sndvol32.exe -t -n

Another sndvol32 command line parameters:

sndvol32 [-D audio_device_number] [-Record | -Play] [-Normal | -Small | -Tray]

Eject USB device from command line

Do you still click your mouse when you want to eject USB flashcard or external HDD?

Just create following batch file and eject USB device from command line:

%windir%\system32\RUNDLL32 shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll

Windows XP management from command line

If you prefer to manage your Windows XP fast -- do not drag your mouse and use keyboard instead, there are some useful command line shortcuts.

Computer management - %SystemRoot%\system32\compmgmt.msc /s
Component Service - %SystemRoot%\system32\Com\comexp.msc
Data sources (ODBC) - %SystemRoot%\system32\odbcad32.exe
Local security police - %SystemRoot%\system32\secpol.msc /s
Internet Information Services - %SystemRoot%\system32\inetsrv\iis.msc
Events viewer - %SystemRoot%\system32\eventvwr.msc /s
Services - %SystemRoot%\system32\services.msc /s
Perfomance - %SystemRoot%\system32\perfmon.msc /s